
Blue Neighbourhood, Troye Sivan, 賽特的歌詞小站



For the most part that's true翻譯社

my dog just a little bit more gray翻譯社 maybe I've missed a birthday here and there.


"I come from the most isolated city in the world, which is Perth in Australia. 

翻譯by 賽特 斯泰爾 Seth Styles

[Verse 1:]
The sun sets longer / 在鉦昱翻譯社的落根之地那
Where I am from / 夕陽似乎較慢降低
Where dreams go to die / 雖夢想已死逝
While having fun / 卻佈滿樂活
The boys fix their cars and /男孩汗水淋漓的修理汽車
Girls eat it up / 女孩們開心聊八卦
Loving's so good when / 那時的愛是多麼美妙
Love is young / 那如此清純年少的愛

Yeah翻譯社 there's so much history in these streets / 年少時配合擁抱的巷弄 隱藏太多回想
And mama's good eats / 母親的拿手佳餚
And Wonder on repeat / 不休反複的洗腦歌曲
There's so much history in my head / 種種回想 重回腦海
The people I've left / 那些我深愛過的人
The ones that I've kept / 以及撐持我的家人們

Have you heard me on the radio? / 翻譯公司可曾在電台上聽過我的歌
Did you turn it up? / 有細聲聽嗎
On your blown-out stereo / 每首歌 全濃重披發著
In suburbia / 我對故鄉的忖量之情
Could be playing hide and seek from home / 回籍次數 寥寥可數
Can't replace my blood / 扎根之地 深植血脈
Yeah, it seems I'm never letting go / 固然身體離去 但對郊鄉的馳念
Of suburbia / 永垂不朽 深植心房

[Verse 2:]
Swallow nostalgia / 嚥下鄉愁
Chase it with lime / 嚐得酸苦
Better than dwelling / 比長時間逗留還好
And chasing time / 比虛度光陰還好
Missing occasions / 錯過的盛典 沒法數盡
I can't rewind / 但光陰沒法倒轉
Can't help but feel I've lost what's mine / 沒有感受 失去部份的本我


Yeah, there's so much history in these streets / 年少時共同擁抱的巷弄 埋沒太多回想
And mama's good eats / 母親的拿手佳餚
And Wonder on repeat / 接續反複的洗腦歌曲
There's so much history in my head / 各種回想 重回腦海
The people I've left / 那些我深愛過的人
The ones that I've kept / 和支持鉦昱翻譯社的家人們

Have you heard me on the radio? / 你可曾在電台上聽過我的歌
Did you turn it up? / 有細聲聽嗎
On your blown-out stereo / 每首歌 全稠密披發著
In suburbia / 鉦昱翻譯社對故鄉的思念之情
Could be playing hide and seek from home / 回鄉次數 寥寥可數
Can't replace my blood / 扎根之地 深植血脈
Yeah翻譯社 it seems I'm never letting go / 固然身體離去 但對郊鄉的馳念
Of suburbia / 永垂不朽 深植心房

They all say that nothing ever changes / 人們說 這兒都沒有什麼改變
Through the new lines that are on their faces / 但改變的是 臉上日趨增加的線條
They all say that nothing ever changes / 他們說 大家跟本身都沒改變
Through the new lines that are on their faces / 但我自己知道 歲月抵不外人心

Yeah翻譯社 there's so much history in these streets / 年少時共同擁抱的巷弄 埋沒太多回憶
And mama's good eats / 母親的拿手佳餚
And Wonder on repeat / 不斷反複的洗腦歌曲
There's so much history in my head / 種種回想 重回腦海
The people I've left / 那些我深愛過的人
The ones that I've kept / 以及支持鉦昱翻譯社的家人們

Have you heard me on the radio? / 你可曾在電台上聽過我的歌
Did you turn it up? / 有細聲聽嗎
On your blown-out stereo / 每首歌 全濃重散發著
In suburbia / 我對故鄉的思念之情
Could be playing hide and seek from home / 回籍次數 寥寥可數
Can't replace my blood / 扎根之地 深植血脈
Yeah, it seems I'm never letting go / 固然身體離去 但對郊鄉的想念
Of suburbia / 永垂不朽 深植心田

It's the kind of place that people will say that nothing ever changes in.

but every time I come back I feel like my brother is at least one centimeter taller,

而我也錯過了許多該在這慶祝的生日 . 而我心裏也清楚知道 , 鉦昱翻譯社獨一能回報他們的翻譯社 就是讓他們感到自豪 .

翻譯: 鉦昱翻譯社來自一個全球最孤立的城市 , 就是澳洲的伯斯 .

在忖量故鄉時 寫下了這首歌 suburbia



all that I really care about is making the people that I care about really proud."

但當鉦昱翻譯社每次歸去時 , 都邑感受我的弟弟Tyde Levi又長高了點 翻譯社 我的狗狗又長了些白鬍鬚 ,

I think I've realized that in the back of my mind;


就是那種人們說的那種翻譯社 永久不會變的城市 . 大部分來說真的是如斯 ,


本文來自: http://a849194.pixnet.net/blog/post/329297331-troye-sivan-%E7%89%B9%E6%B4%9B%E4%BC%8A---suburbia%E9%有關翻譯的問題歡迎諮詢鉦昱翻譯社

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